Police Launch New Campaign for Horse Road Safety

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Unfortunately, every year a high number of equestrians incidents go unrecorded.
11 horse riders were killed and 116 seriously injured in collisions with motor vehicles, in the five years to 2015. Many horses can weigh more than half a tonne – they are easily scared by noise and may panic around fast-moving vehicles.
If no-one knows about equestrian incidents, nothing can be done. Greater Manchester Police are working together with the British Horse Society to promote road safety #thinkhorse15
Horses are large powerful animals but they can easily panic and bolt if startled. The consequences to drivers, their car, the horse and its rider can be horrendous.
By following some basic advice, drivers and riders can help avoid accidents involving horses on the road.
Drivers when you approach a Horse rider please can you :
- Slow down to 15 MPH on any road to pass a horse.
- Look out for riders' signals to slow down or stop
- Watch out for sudden movements, horses can be easily frightened and unpredictable
- Be patient - Do not sound your horn or rev your engine
- Pass wide (At least a car's width) and slow when overtaking; giving the horse plenty of room.
- Drive slowly away
Advice for horse riders:
- Always display fluorescent/reflective clothing on both horse and rider whatever the weather or light conditions
- If at all avoidable, don't ride in failing light, fog or darkness. Avoid icy or snowy roads
- If riding a horse that is not used to roads, ask a rider with a horse who is experienced and calm to accompany you
- Never take a mounted group of more than eight horses on the road
- If riding two abreast, move into single file as soon as it is safe for the motorist to overtake. Don't ride more than two abreast on the road
- Always cross major crossings in a group, rather than trickling across one by one
- Leave details of your intended route and estimated time of return with a responsible person
If you are involved in a Road Traffic Collision causing injury to you or your animal YOU MUST contact the Police via 999 or 101 you can also report near misses and various equine incidents.
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